Ghee - Ayurvedic cure-all for the kitchen and medicine cabinet

Ghee is extremely important in Ayurvedic nutrition and medicine and is considered a "golden elixir" for health. It is used externally and internally for therapeutic purposes, but is also used as the best fat for cooking. Ghee is a clarified organic butter that uses a complex clarification process to separate the animal protein and lactose. Both are skimmed off, which is why ghee is also suitable for people with milk protein or lactose intolerance.
Ghee is one of the healthiest fats because it consists of short, medium and long-chain fatty acids. It mainly contains saturated fatty acids, which are essential for our nervous, immune and hormonal systems. Ghee also has a high proportion of omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids. These have a positive effect on heart health, memory performance and skin. It contains vitamins A, D, E and K and other important minerals, nutrients and antioxidants that support and keep our body and metabolism healthy. Like coconut oil, ghee can be heated to high temperatures and is therefore perfect for cooking, frying and baking. Vegetable oils such as olive oil, corn germ oil, rapeseed oil, nut oils or seed oils oxidize easily and should not be heated to high temperatures because they are harmful to our organism. Another advantage: ghee has a shelf life of around a year and can be stored refrigerated or unrefrigerated.
Ghee promotes intestinal health
Ghee has a positive effect on intestinal health because it removes toxins and nourishes the intestinal mucosa. This makes the intestinal walls more stable. In Ayurvedic medicine, ghee is a promising therapeutic approach for conditions such as leaky gut, irritable bowel syndrome and other inflammatory bowel diseases. Ghee also improves intestinal peristalsis and the associated bowel emptying. It prevents the growth of pathological intestinal germs and promotes the growth of healthy intestinal bacteria. Ghee also plays an important therapeutic role in the well-known Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatment, a cleansing treatment that is carried out over several days under medical supervision. Patients drink a fair amount of it to remove fat-soluble pollutants from the body. Ghee has the ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and release toxins from the nerve cells and the spaces between them.
Internal and external use
Ghee is one of the most important carriers for Ayurvedic herbal therapy, which can be transported deep into the cells. In combination with Ayurvedic herbs, it is used successfully in various therapeutic areas. The effect of the spices and herbs can also be increased when cooking by roasting the spices in ghee, as the nutrients are easily transported into the cells. Ghee can also be used externally, as it has a wound-healing effect and supports the formation of scars. When mixed with turmeric, the anti-inflammatory effect is increased. Ghee can also be used as a substitute for ointments, especially for dry mucous membranes in the nose or vaginal area and for chapped corners of the mouth.
If you want to incorporate ghee and other Ayurvedic recipes and tips into your healthy everyday life, then join us for the prana detox days in spring.