Guggulu - the first choice in Ayurveda for joint pain

Guggulu (Comniphora myrrha) is a myrrh plant native primarily to India. It is the most important resin used in Ayurvedic medicine. Translated it means “that which protects against diseases”.
The resin is used against many ailments and diseases. The most common complaints include joint pain - in the knee or foot, fingers or hip. Even school children complain about occasional joint pain. Around five percent of all women over 55 years of age suffer from multiple inflammations in multiple joints, known as polyarthritis. From the age of 35 onwards, joint wear and tear caused by osteoarthritis can be detected in every second person.
Which therapeutic approach does Ayurveda recommend for osteoarthritis and diseases of the musculoskeletal system?
Ayurveda looks at the human being as a whole and strives for a harmonious balance of body, mind and soul. From an Ayurvedic perspective, joint pain is a disease in which the kinetic Vata principle predominates as a pathogenetic factor. Particularly worth mentioning are the Ayurvedic-defined “tissues” of bones (Asthi), muscles, tendons (Snayu), as well as ligaments and nerves. Therefore, osteoarthritis is assigned to the large group of Vata disorders .
Vata can cause pathological processes in osteoarthritis in different ways. For the most part, as the primary factor in the disease process, it is solely responsible for the functional impairment or damage to the tissues of the musculoskeletal system . Vata can also occur in combination with Pitta and Kapha. It can e.g. For example, in addition to typical Vata signs, there are also Pitta symptoms such as local redness and warmth, which must be taken into account during treatment.
Furthermore, degenerative joint damage occurs in overweight osteoarthritis patients due to a "blockage of Vata" by Kapha and the fatty tissue (Medas). Accordingly, in addition to the actual Vata treatment, a reduction in fatty tissue should be aimed for.
The focus of every Ayurvedic osteoarthritis therapy is therefore Vata reduction as part of a multimodal anti-Vata therapy concept. Successes can be attributed to the individual combinations of diverse concepts. These are purification procedures , external applications such as oil massages , herbs as dietary supplements and nutritional and behavioral modifications .
How does Guggulu work on osteoarthritis?
Modern research methods confirm the effect of Guggulu. The myrrh plant contains sterones and terpenes in high concentrations and a unique composition. These actively inhibit inflammation . On the one hand, Guggulu strengthens the body by breaking down acidic metabolic products . In addition, the effect of the medicinal plant reduces swelling . And this without any side effects : Guggulu, with its high bitter content, also stimulates digestion and detoxification . This allows the body to detoxify better . This also promotes the healing process for osteoarthritis and arthritis.
Guggulu for pain
The effectiveness of Guggulu is proven by a study by Southern California University (USA), in which 60 patients (30 women, 30 men) with painful arthritis in the knee joint that had persisted for years took Guggulu capsules under the supervision of scientists. Just one month after starting treatment, all 60 patients were able to move their knee significantly better than before. The pain had also measurably reduced in all patients and disappeared completely in some. After a 2 month course there was a significant reduction in pain, stiffness and improved function as well as good tolerability. No side effects were reported during the study.
Gugglu appears to be a relatively safe and effective supplement for reducing symptoms of osteoarthritis.
A miracle of Ayurvedic medicine
A key aspect of Ayurveda is the use of natural remedies such as herbs, spices and plants. We have developed our prana for you product Asthi in close collaboration with doctors. Each plant and herb has been selected for its individual properties to create and support balance in the body.
Guggulu – the all-rounder in Ayurveda
The Ayurvedic profile of Guggulu in brief:
Taste : bitter, spicy, tart, sweet
Thermal : heating
Tissue : affects all tissues
Systems : nervous, circulatory, digestive, respiratory systems
Guggulu is considered: rejuvenating agent, stimulant, mood-altering agent, nervine (sedative), antispasmodic (spasmodic), analgesic (pain-relieving), expectorant (promotes expectoration in coughs), astringent (hemostatic), antiseptic (disinfectant)
Use in Ayurveda: Arthritis, rheumatism, gout, lumbago, nervous disorders, neurasthenia, weakness, diabetes, obesity, bronchitis, whooping cough, digestive disorders, hemorrhoids, periodontal disease, skin diseases, skin damage and ulcers, cystitis, tumors
Effects of Guggulu:
- tissue regenerating
- tissue reducing
- healing for skin and mucous membranes
- strong cleansing
- rejuvenating
- disinfecting the body excretions
Effect of Guggulu on the doshas:
Vata reducing
Pitta increasing
Kapha reducing
Literature sources :
Medicinal plants of Ayurvedic and Western medicine. Scrap, Ammon
Ayurvedic herbal medicine. The Yoga of Herbs. Dr. Vasant Lad, Dr. David Frawly
PubMed - National Library of Medicine: The effectiveness of Commiphora mukul in osteoarthritis of the knee: an outcome study ( Betsy B Singh 1 , Lakshmi C Mishra , Sivarama Prasad Vinjamury , Nanette Aquilina , Vijay J Singh , Neil Shepard ) PMID: 12776478 / Article by Raimund Müller “Guggulu for joint pain” / Article: Symptoms of osteoarthritis