Amaranth-raspberry porridge: A fruity and protein-rich breakfast for connoisseurs

Ingredients for one person :
50g amaranth
200 ml water/unsweetened almond milk
1-2 tablespoons vegan protein powder e.g. pea protein
1 tbsp sunflower seeds
1 tbsp freshly ground linseed
1 tbsp hemp seeds
½ tsp cinnamon
1 pinch of cardamom powder
1 tsp ghee/coconut oil
1 handful of fresh raspberries and a few for decoration
Heat the milk and ghee in a saucepan, add the hot washed amaranth and cook until soft for about 20 minutes.
Then stir in the protein powder, linseed, sunflower seeds, raspberries and spices and simmer for another 5 minutes on a low heat. Add more water if necessary to prevent anything from burning.
Pour into a bowl and garnish with berries and hemp seeds. Sweeten with maple syrup/date syrup if desired.
My dosha tip: Amaranth is a light, gluten-free, protein-rich grain with many nutrients. It is a pseudocereal, reduces Kapha and Pitta and has a digestive effect.
If you want to get your digestion going again with Ayurvedic spices and plants, then take a look at our two products Agni and Shodana in the webshop.
- Tags: Frühstück