Brown millet and blueberry porridge: a warm and nutritious breakfast for cold days

Braunhirse-Heidelbeer-Porridge: ein warmes und nahrhaftes Frühstück für kalte Tage

A warm and nutritious breakfast for cold days! This dish is delicious, quick and easy to prepare and particularly rich in nutrients. Brown millet is a pseudocereal (gluten-free) that is rich in protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Blueberries contain valuable antioxidants and vitamin C.

A grounding breakfast porridge to start the day with Ayurveda!

Ingredients for one person

  • 40 g brown millet ground

  • 150 ml water or unsweetened almond milk

  • 1 tsp ghee

  • ½ tsp cinnamon

  • 1 pinch of cardamom

  • 1 pinch of clove powder

  • 1 tsp cocoa powder defatted

  • 1 tbsp linseed

  • 1 tbsp sunflower seeds

  • 2 tablespoons plant-based yoghurt (e.g. coconut, oat, almond,…)

  • 1 handful of fresh blueberries

  • Chopped almonds or other nuts for the crunch effect


  1. Boil the water/almond milk together with the ghee and stir in the brown millet with a whisk. If more liquid is needed, simply add hot water.

  2. Grind the freshly ground linseed and stir it into the brown millet with the sunflower seeds, spices and cocoa. Simmer for a few minutes on a low heat.

  3. Mix in the yoghurt and sprinkle with nuts and blueberries.

  4. Sweeten to taste with maple syrup, date syrup or coconut blossom sugar.

Brown millet contains a lot of valuable nutrients such as iron, zinc, magnesium, silicon and also B vitamins. Its qualities are particularly suitable for Kapha constitutions.

CTA button: More about Kapha Dosha (Link/Anchor link: Kapha - principle of structure/stability)

Ayurvedic immune booster plants strengthen the immune system in a targeted manner. Balyam tea with selected organic herbs supports Agni, the digestive fire, and thus 80% of our immune cells for resistance and balance. Perfect for your warm breakfast on cold days!