Green mung bean curry: A light and aromatic dish from India

Grünes Mungbohnen Curry: Ein leichtes und aromatisches Gericht aus Indien
Green mung bean curry, also known as "Moong Dal Curry", is a delicious and nutritious dish from Indian cuisine. It is easy to prepare, vegetarian and vegan, and is perfect for a light lunch or dinner. The mung beans are cooked in an aromatic curry with fine spices and go great with rice, naan or flatbread.

Ingredients for 2 people:

  • ½ cup mung beans

  • ½ cup brown rice

  • ½ fennel bulb

  • ½ kohlrabi

  • ½ courgette

  • 1 tsp ghee

  • 1 tsp black mustard seeds

  • ¼ tsp Asafoetida*

  • ½ tsp ground turmeric

  • ½ tsp ground cumin

  • ½ tsp ground coriander

  • ½ tsp fenugreek

  • ¼ tsp ginger powder

  • pepper

  • Rock salt

  • 50 ml coconut milk (with at least 60% coconut content)

  • Lemon juice


  1. Soak the mung beans the day before (at least 7 hours), then wash and cook them unsalted for about 10 minutes.

  2. Wash the wholegrain rice in hot water and cook it according to the instructions with a pinch of rock salt.

  3. Cut the fennel into strips and dice the kohlrabi and zucchini.

  4. Roast mustard seeds in ghee until they pop, stir in asafoetida powder* and other spices and roast briefly, stir in fennel and zucchini, pour in water and soup seasoning and simmer for 5 minutes.

  5. Then add the zucchini and cook until al dente.

  6. Finally, season with coconut milk, salt, pepper and lemon.

My dosha tip: suitable for all doshas

*Asafoetida: Also known as hing (stinky seed), it is used as a substitute for onion and garlic flavor. Asafoetida has a soothing effect on the digestive system and relieves flatulence.

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